Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hail Mary

When I say the second part of the Hail Mary, instead of the usual wording, I say:
Pray WITH us sinners.
This makes me feel closer to our blessed mother's humanity.
The image I have of her is that she kneels on the top step of the altar, with her back to us, leading us by her example, towards Jesus, her son and our brother.

As for other conventional images, I really only want to see her portrayed as 'Mother of God', with Jesus in the picture too, in front of her and her in the background.
Having found my own maternity very satisfying, I find the emphasis of her virginity is sometimes a bit over the top for my taste.

My main thoughts about her is that she was the Great Lover, taker of risks, leaper into the abyss of the future trusting totally in LOVE. Pray with me, mother, that I may gain a shadow of your courage.

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More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of (Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Morte D'Arthur)