Sunday, February 1, 2009

What to Pray for TODAY?

WISDOM - I think that's what we all need - including Obama!
What help would wisdom be? Well I think it is wisdom that helps us to make good decisions - decisions that are LOVE based, for all the people.
I'm thinking of the doctor's maxim: First do no harm.
Wisdom would also give us courage to decide against things that are for our convenience in cases where they are for someone else's harm.
Finally wisdom would help us to know when we don't know, and would help us to see when we should leave the future to You, and not think that we can control it all the time. Sometimes we can, but not ALL the time.
So sweet LOVE, loads and loads more WISDOM for all of us, especially for those with the power to influence the future of many.
More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of (Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Morte D'Arthur)