Saturday, February 21, 2009


Don't come too close or you might catch my cold.
So how to pray through a streaming cold?
Of course the ideal prayer would be something like:
I say:
Sweet LOVE, teach me through this heavy cold that I am not in total charge of my life - that some things like colds come upon me unexpectedly, but always for a good purpose from Your perspective. So, taking into account that my head is all stuffed up, You will need to shout at me for me to hear what it is You are saying.

Of course, I do have an idea - it could be something like:
Jesus LOVE says:
Slow down and take it easy and give Me some of your time. Take some rest, be gentle with your poor body - you know you have been pushing it to its limits.

Be still.
Come aside and rest. There will be plenty of time for work when the cold has healed.
And I think I also hear You say: I love you my dear Child of the stuffy nose.

Thanks LOVE of my life
More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of (Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Morte D'Arthur)