Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Words? Whose words?

So if I'm going to 'elevate my soul to God', how do I do this?
Do I use words, like I would if I was talking to my husband?
Or is 'heart-talk' sufficient?

What the definition said was a 'raising of the mind and heart to God' - well that sounds as if it could be wordless.
But then, don't I have to use words to formulate my thoughts.... Maybe not always.

I like the definition of contemplation that I once heard:
God looking at me looking at God. (or to translate that into my preferred name for the Almighty:
LOVE looking at me looking at LOVE

Why do I prefer that wording? My experience tells me that those many people who think they don't believe in GOD, actually believe very strongly in love, and since I believe passionately in the Scripture that says God is love, I have started using LOVE (all capitals) as my favoured name for the One who some people would say is Un-nameable.

So then, dear LOVE, take this lovely world of Yours and protect it from the mistakes of human beings. Amen

Postings to this blog over the next few days may be sporadic. I'm planning to write each day, but may not have access to post. If so, I'll post the entries when I return next week.

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More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of (Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Morte D'Arthur)