Thursday, September 4, 2008

O-o-h oh not brilliant

What can I say - where is my COMMITMENT? Where is my MOTIVATION? What is going on at the 'psychological level' that I keep 'forgetting' to write up this page?

Well, I am still committed to praying for a blessing of change in the world, and I'm still motivated to pray, seeing I have no right to ask other people to do something I am not willing to do myself!

It's writing the page that is the glitch.

Maybe I should be thinking of what change is already happening. I just saw this VIDEO of something happening in SPACE. Well, out there, news of things happening, and changes in what used to be there, don't even reach us, sometime for thousands of years. So I need to stop being so fixated about wanting to see change on earth in my little lifetime. LOVE help me to appreciate things the way they are for as long as You want them to be that way. Amen

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More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of (Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Morte D'Arthur)